There's A Company Hiring Full-Time Candy Tasters At $24/Hour

There are a LOT of jobs worse than this . . . and they don't pay $47,500-a-year. 

A company called Candy Funhouse is looking to hire candy and chocolate taste testers. And this isn't one of those gimmicks where a company "hires" someone for $500 to eat chocolate for a week. This is a legit full-time job.

The job pays $24-an-hour, which works out to around $47,500-a-year. And they'll be hiring two people for it.

There is a catch, of course. The company is in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, and you'll have to move there. (The salary is $47,500 in American dollars, or $60,000 Canadian.)

If moving to Mississauga is a non-starter for you, they're also hiring eight people for part-time jobs . . . and those people will get paid the same hourly rate to work from home for 15 hours a week.

The applications are due on February 15th. 


PLUS there's some really good hockey in Mississauga. For reals.

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