You'll Now Be Able To Get Parlour Bar's Famous Burger On The Road!

This burger is incredible. If you've had it, then you know. Check this info below.....stands to reason this burger single handedly made a food truck possible? It's definitely one of the best burgers in town. Now I want one.

Across its two locations in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Parlour Bar sells more than 137,000 of its famous "Parlour burgers" every year.
Well that number is set to increase, with the popular bar set to take its burger on the road with the launch of Parlour's Food Truck.
It'll first hit the streets of the Twin Cities in February, offering limited menu designed by Chef Mike DeCamp, which includes its burger, fries and a salad.
The burger is consistently ranked as one of the best offered in Minnesota, and was even named No. 1 in CityPages 2014 listof 100 Favorite Dishes.


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