Well, it seems the song, Baby Shark has many uses. It's been the hit song for a lot of toddlers over the last few years, has been an annoyance for parents all over the world and apparently it's now being used to drive out homeless in the city of West Palm Beach, FL. Yeah, that's right. According to AP News, "Officials in West Palm Beach are hoping a continuous loop of children’s songs played throughout the night will keep homeless people from sleeping on the patio of a city-owned rental banquet facility." I suppose it's not the worst idea? At least it limits force against the homeless.
So, why this plan? According to West Palm Beach parks and recreation director Leah Rockwell tells the Palm Beach Post they’re trying to discourage people from sleeping outside the glass-walled Waterfront Lake Pavilion, which she says rakes in some $240,000 annually from events.
As of now, the continuous loop of Baby Shark and other children songs are only a temporary fix. Rockwell says, The city wants to formalize hours for the facility, which should make trespassing laws easier to enforce.
Well...note to self...don't be in West Palm Beach, FL at night.