Sun Country Cancels Flights Without Warning: Leaves Passengers Stranded

It all started as a fun girls trip to New York City for Alycia Koziara and her mom, Teri.

But it became a frustrating and expensive headache when the two were making their way home to Minnesota.

Koziara tells WCCO-TV their Sun Country flight from New Jersey to Minneapolis on Saturday was canceled, but passengers were never notified.

“The lack of communication, the fact that they just left everybody sitting there and nobody knew what was going on was ridiculous,” Koziara said.

No email, no phone call, no announcement, and an entire plane full of people left stranded.

“They disappeared and left you to figure it out for yourselves. There was nobody there, the little fence lines were taken down and their name on the video screen was gone,” Koziara said.

She tried contacting the airline to figure out what they should do.

“We called Sun Country a lot and we weren’t getting through. They actually hung up on us quite a few times,” Koziara said.

The mother-daughter duo finally decided to spend hundreds of dollars finding their own way home, taking an Uber to Philadelphia and hopping on a Delta flight home from there.

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