Gavin DeGraw Says He's "Still Laughin" About His Post Anthem Wipe-Out

If you watched the Nasvhille vs. Dallas game on NBC Sports on Saturday and caught our main man Gavin DeGraw doing the National Anthem, here's what you saw........

Just awesome. I love Gavin so much, his voice is so unique and powerful. Awesome version of the Anthem.

BUT, here's what you DIDN'T see on NBCSN.......

And this post on Instagram, makes me love Gavin even more. He's got such a good outlook at things.....instead of being embarrassed and trying to ignore it......he's embracing it and having a good chuckle at himself.

If I could sing like that, I wouldn't care what I did before or after!!

I checked with him today and here's what he said......

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