Chihuahua Saves Woman From Bear Attack

Getty Images/Michelle Kelley Photography

A woman survived a bear attack after being rescued by an unsuspecting hero: her 3-year-old chihuahua mix named "Bear." 

The Daily Item says the woman was outside her residence in Pennsylvania and was dragged 88 yards from her back porch. She was ultimately able to get away because the chihuahua tried to protect her. 

The woman is in critical condition, and the dog is being treated at an animal hospital for a variety of injuries including a broken sternum, punctured lung, and external wounds. 

I'm sure this can go for any dog breed, but chihuahua owners all know that this breed is fiercely loyal. I'm not surprised at all that a chihuahua would have this type of reaction to a bear attacking its owner. Would my chihuahua, Jaq Jaq, protect me from a bear? No...but he'd definitely try. 

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