Haunted Minnesota: The Ghost Boy of Gibbs Farm

Getty Images/beest

Gibbs Farm is a place for children to learn about Minnesota pioneers and the Dakota tribe. Little do they realize a boy lost his life on the land, and joins them on their field trips.

The farm, which features the original and replica buildings like a log-and-sod home, a tipi, Dakota summer bark lodge, and one-room schoolhouse, hosts a number of events like camps, weddings, and historical tours. It's also home to the original Gibbs farmhouse and barn, where paranormal activity is rampant. 


According to HauntedHouses.com, Jane and Heman Gibbs tragically lost their third child, William, in 1867 during a fire. William, who was just 9 years old, died of smoke inhalation after helping to put out a grass fire on the property. 

Tour guides and patrolmen have reported strange activity on the grounds, likely involving William. Some hear inexplainable footsteps in the hallway behind the kitchen, children's toys laying out as if someone had been playing with them (the room they're kept in is always locked during evening hours), and doors and cupboards open and close...seemingly by themselves. 

Some have felt a tenseness in the air in certain areas of the house, and the entity of a young boy has even been spotted around the house and peering through the window. 

Have you seen William? Learn about tours and other happenings at Gibbs Farm here

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Haunted Minnesota: A Morgue Turned Bowling Alley

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