Well, the weekend started on Friday morning when the littlest one decided to......
Remove her own diaper, walk into the bathroom and pull out the baby potty.....I think you have to appreciate a self starter. #GoEvanGo
Also, on Friday......Elsie had her first dance class....my GOD when did she turn 15?!
She did an AWESOME job with ballet. Tap needs a little work, but, hey.....it was ONE class.
Friday night our Hendrickson Foundation National Hockey Festival kicked off at the Schwan Super Rink in Blaine. I serve on the board. We aim to provide support, in many ways, for ANYONE with a disability who wants to play hockey. This festival was incredible. 32 teams were there for tournaments for Special Hockey, Sled Hockey and Warrior Hockey.
Pictured below.....I'm on the bench with Darby Hendrickson and Ryan Malone during our Celebrity Game and I was just told by Ryan "that's not an oxygen mask"
This is my favorite picture from the entire weekend......I'm not going anywhere in hockey (this just in), but I love the game so very much and to be able to participate in a Celebrity Game with so many incredible, actual, hockey players for a tremendous cause.....well that just makes me feel damn lucky.....but not nearly as lucky as having my girls there to watch me, cheer for me and make me feel like I'm an NHL'er.
This right here......this is what the Hendrickson Foundation Hockey Festival was REALLY about. Seeing the faces of and meeting the kids and adults that are welcomed into the great game of hockey. Our official "hashtag" is #HockeyChangesLives......and it truly does. Whether the player uses a wheelchair, had a loss of limb, has intellectual disabilities or was injured serving in the military, the Hendrickson Foundation supports a program for them. The social aspect of hockey really does change their lives.
This is Klaus. He absolutely melted me. There was just something special in his eyes. As kind and sweet spirit with him and around him as I've ever experienced. Fell in love with Klaus right then and there.
Bonus content because I'm so passionate about this organization. By the way, if you have a friend or family member that has a disability and wants to give hockey a shot, please reach out to me. Please share this like crazy.