A New York woman who accidentally threw away her wedding rings received a little help from sanitation workers at a New Jersey processing facility.
Shannon Lombardo said her wedding band and diamond ring were wrapped in a paper towel after she cleaned them and it wasn't until later that she realized the paper towel she had thrown away was the same one that contained her rings.
Lombardo called the city's 311 line.
"I was thinking, it's New York City Sanitation, there's no way I'm ever going to be able to track down my ring," she told the New York Daily News. "I was just very skeptical, but I had nothing left to lose."
The New York City Sanitation Department agreed to hold off on pickups at her Manhattan apartment building so she could look through the trash, but it soon became apparent the bag containing her rings had already been taken.
Lombardo and her husband, Jim, drove to the department's processing facility in Fairview, N.J., where trash goes to be shipped to landfills.
Workers were able to identify the truck that made the pickup at Lombardo's building, and they dumped its load of 800 bags.
The Lombardos and the sanitation workers sifted through the garbage for about an hour until the rings were recovered.