Working moms spend all day at work listening to things like “Get back to me by the end of the day,” and are greeted with questions like “Where are all my clean socks?” when they get home. And none of it is what we long to hear.
But the following phrases are some of the best sounds working moms have ever heard.
“Yes, ma’am, we can schedule your dentist appointment on the same day as your doctor’s appointment.” - Moms often have to use double sick days - one for their sick child and one for when they catch it, so having to take extra time off for medical appointments just makes it worse. Being able to fit several checkups into one day just makes mom’s lives easier.
“The office has a delayed opening because of the snow.” - While some prefer working from home during bad weather, other moms find their productivity sinks when they’re home for a snow day with their little ones. So a nice slow start to the morning when the office has a delayed opening makes our lives easier.
“Let’s order in.” - Sometimes cooking is enjoyable, with a glass of wine in hand and plenty of time to relax and enjoy the process. This isn’t the case on rushed weeknights when you’re hardly home from work before throwing ingredients into a pan for dinner, so when our partner suggests ordering in, it’s music to our ears.
“Your childcare tuition has decreased.” - We love and appreciate our child care services, but we cringe when we consider what else we could do with all the money we spend on preschool tuition every month. So when our kids age up into a less expensive bracket of child care, we’re ecstatic!
“It can wait until tomorrow.” - Coming from a boss about a project or your husband about the laundry, these words are magical to an exhausted working mom. We’re always busy, but when something is declared less urgent, we’re overjoyed to let it wait.