Alec Baldwin's Movie RUST Shutdown AGAIN

Seriously. Might be time to just cut losses and give up on this movie project. A second incident has happened on the set of the Alec Baldwin movie, Rust. A crew member may lose their arm.

Alec Baldwin'sRustset has become the site of a second tragedy after a crew member was bitten by a venomous spider. This news comes just weeks after cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, was fatally shot aftera prop gun held by Baldwinwas discharged on the set in New Mexico.
Production onRustwas immediately haltedand will remain shut down as the investigation continues. Baldwin doesn't think Rustproduction will resume at all, and a second incident that has arisen from the set in recent days may prove that to be true.
As reported bySkyNews,aRustcrew member was bitten by a venomous spider on set and may now need his arm amputated.Jason Miller, a lamp operator and pipe rigger, was closing the set when he was bitten by a brown recluse spider. A fundraising page has provided updates about his condition and revealed that he suffered necrosis and sepsis in his arm following the bite. Miller is currently hospitalized and has already undergone multiple surgeries to fight the infection caused by the bit, but it is possible that he could lose his arm if the infection can't be controlled. 
TheRustproduction crewhas declined to comment on the incident thus far.


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