Where "Up North" Begins, Defined By Twin Cities Residents

Found this story on Axios Twin Cities.......and thought it was kind of awesome. Some pretty great answers down here.

What do you define as "Up North"?!

Dozens of Axios Twin Cities readers weighed in to let us know what being "up north" means to you.
Consensus: A lot of you said that up north starts in a rough line from Hinckley to Mille Lacs Lake (or Brainerd) to Alexandria.
But there's room for debate. Here are some of your responses:
"Up north begins when you crest the ridge on I-35 and see Duluth and Lake Superior stretched out as far as the eye can see. An amazing and impressive sight. A true gateway to the north!" — Suzanne
"Up north starts where the forest changes from mostly deciduous to mostly coniferous." — Miles
"Up north is an attitude, not a latitude." — Alyssa
"Up north starts with a visit to Tobies Restaurant (Hinckley)" — Cheryl
"Up north starts when the broad leaf trees change to conifers and that happy feeling kicks in." — Ann
"Where I no longer smell cow manure and begin to see lots of pine trees ... And where the mosquitoes mate with humming birds." — V. Joe
"Up north is a state of mind enjoyed by Minnesotans when relaxing with the people we love after overcoming a difficult challenge." — Adam

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