Give A Hairy Heart Box Filled With Beef Jerky To Your Love For V-Day

At this point in the year, every grocery store likely has an aisle dedicated to seasonal snacks. Come January, that aisle becomes full of all of the Valentine's Day-adjacent items you could dream of, and @junkfoodinthetrunk3 found this gem in their local Target. If you do your best to avoid gift clichés as much as you can, listen up, because while this heart-shaped box looks like it would be stuffed with chocolate truffles it's actually ideal for the meat-loving person in your life.

Jack Link's put together the gift and theheart-shaped box is covered in brown faux hairinstead of any glittery red or pink decorations.The box reads "Love Struck By Cupid"on the front and features a photo of a gorilla holding Cupid's arrow in his mouth. The hairy box is likely a reference to the gorilla on the front. The real fun is inside of the box, though, and features original beef jerkyby the brand. 

Um, I'd rather get NOTHING than this.....your thoughts? Check out the package here

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