You Need This Brand New Movie Podcast

What's Movies Over Easy?

Simple.....3 pals who LOVE movies (and even some great TV), so we sit around and discuss. We hit topics across the entire spectrum of film and the film industry. We aim to be at the center of the culture.

Specifically want to point out Episode 3.

We had unbelievable guests.......3 members of the cast of 'Working Man', which is the opening film of the 10th Twin Cities Film Fest.

Our guests are:

Talia Shire (You know, just played Adrian Balboa in the Rocky saga and Connie Corleone in The Godfather films, no biggy)

Peter Gerety (Been in over 70 films & TV such as The Wire, Flight, War Of The Worlds)

Robert Jury (Writer, Director & Producer of Working Man)

This wasn't even an interview ended up just being an amazingly comfortable conversation about mental illness, what it's like to be a part of the Godfather "fraternity", why you can't trust someone with a beard (hahaha) and more. It's truly a MUST listen.

**Please subscribe, rate us with 5 stars and download the episodes, if you could.

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