Experts Say 2/20/2020 Will Be The Best Day To Get Married For Stability

An astrologist has revealed how the perfect date for couples to marry in 2020 is February the 20th, explaining how numerology and astrology come together for the ideal day. 

Professional astrologer and author Carolyne Faulkner says that in numerology terms the number two signifies resolve and strength, while in astrology the number two is ruled by Venus. 

According to Carolyne, the 20/2/2020 indicates 'empowered commitments, emotional stability and the fulfillment of sacred contracts', and is also a date when Saturn Jupiter, Pluto, Mars and the Moon are all in the same sign'.

The findings come as Marsha-Ann Brown, Director of Weddings and Romance, Sandals Resorts, reported a substantial demand in weddings being arranged for 2020, with couples' choice of date proving to be a key factor in the wedding planning.

'In astrology, number two marks the house of Taurus, and as a sign it is ruled by Venus - the goddess of love and beauty, representing patience, tenacity and a dedication to remain loyal and work hard to build an incredible, lasting union.' 

'On 20/2/20, Saturn Jupiter, Pluto, Mars and the Moon are all in the same sign, indicating 'empowered commitments, emotional stability and the fulfillment of sacred contracts.' 

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