How Much Do You Love Your Cat? Groom Makes His Cat His Best Man In Wedding

People really love their cats. I mean, look at the internet. The entire world-wide web is filled with cat videos and memes. That's why I'm not too surprised by this. Aaron Benitez, the popular youtuber, you may have heard of his YouTube account Aaron’s Animals, which has over 2 million subscribers and dozens of videos featuring his cat, Prince Michael and Benitez hanging out. He took it upon himself to name Prince Michael as his best man for his wedding.

According to Benitez, “When we looked for venues, allowing cats was the main priority. When we picked a caterer, we made sure they could make salmon (Michael’s fave). And when we booked a DJ, we made sure he wouldn’t play ‘Who Let the Dogs Out.'"

How does a cat be best man? According to Benitez, his best man did quite a bit. He actually did a ton throughout the day. Aside from strutting down the aisle, his biggest role was keeping the party going well into the night. As a groomsman, he kept everyone in the wedding party entertained and energetic,” Benitez said.

There you go...who says dogs are man's best friend?

Check out some of the pictures from the wedding below...they're pretty great.

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