The Average Cost Of A Date In The United States According to Match

Dating can be tough! Especially when money is tight. A new study conducted by shows you just how expensive it can be. According to the study, The average cost of a date today — in the form of dinner for two, a bottle of wine, and two movie tickets — is about $102.32 in the U.S. That seems expensive for just one date or maybe that's just me? Also according to the survey/study, the average single American spent $1,596 on dating in 2016.

So where did the states average out? New York hit the number one spot with an average of $297.27 with New Jersey hitting the number two spot at $259.60 with Hawaii and Connecticut not too far behind. Where did our state of Minnesota line up? We got an average of $109.81 with our neighbor to the east, Wisconsin averaging about $73.21. You can check out the full map below:

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