In case you haven't heard, last year the owners of Ye Olde Mill sold the popular ride to the State Fair itself, and some changes were made, and parents are VERY upset.
One of those changes is that apparently while you are waiting in line, a voice over a loudspeaker says "Welcome to the Tunnel of Love", to which many people hate that the State Fair is encouraging making out in the tunnel:
From a reddit post:
"There are loudspeakers with a recorded voice droning on about "welcome to the tunnel of love" while you wait in line. What is that? Sure people make out in there but it's also an innocent ride to bring your nephews on. I'd hate to be in line with my nephews to ride the Tunnel of Love."
I'm not sure what sort of businessman/woman buys a business whose primary product is nostalgia and then goes and changes everything. Not a good one, that's for sure."