What Are The Best Cities For Each Generation?

We all like to think that the city or town we live in is the place for us, but is it really? A new study by Homes.com has been released that shows what are the best cities for each generation from Millennial's, gen xers and baby boomers. The study focused on median home prices, number of jobs for that specific age group, health care and by the population.

According to the the study here are the top 3 best cities for each generation:


  1. Orlando, Florida
  2. Minneapolis, Minnesota
  3. Salt Lake City, Utah

Gen X:

  1. Miami, Florida
  2. Atlanta, Georgia
  3. San Francisco, California

Baby Boomers:

  1. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  2. Birmingham, Alabama
  3. Miami, Florida

Pretty interesting if you ask me - You can check out the full article here: https://www.foxbusiness.com/features/best-cities-millennials-gen-x-baby-boomers

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