Firefighters are accusing a popular children's television show character of promoting sexism.
According to the NY Daily News, the show Peppa Pig is accused of being sexist and outdated after the narrator said, "Mummy Pig is dressed as a fireman."
The London Fire Brigade was infuriated, tweeting, "Come on @peppapig, we've not been firemen for 30 years. You have a huge influence on kids & using out of date stereotypical gender specific wording prevents young girls from becoming firefighters. Join our #Firefightingsexism campaign."
In the show, Mummy Pig is known to work as a volunteer firefighter with the Mummies' Fire Service.
Some people attacked the fire department, telling them to lighten up and that not everything has to be an issue. On the other hand, a lot of people praised them for speaking up about it.
What side are you on? In my personal opinion, they took it too far.