911 Dispatcher Who Took Jayme Closs Escape Call Speaks Out

The 911 dispatcher who took the call reporting Jayme Closs found alive recounts the moment that changed her life forever.

Amy Pullen had never worked the day shift in her career, but last Thursday was a first for that. It was also when she received the call at the Douglas County 911 center reporting Jayme Closs was found alive. 

According to reports, Pullen said her initial thought was to keep Jayme safe in case Jake Patterson came looking for her. 

"Everybody in the area knows the situation, what had happened to her parents and what this person could be capable of again," she said. "To hear her faintly in the background and being a mom myself, the motherly instincts kicked in." 

Pullen was on the phone for 30 minutes with dog walker Jeanne Nutter and neighbor Kristin Kasinskas waiting for deputies to arrive. She said she wished she "could have just gone through that phone [herself] and just sat with her, protect her." 

"For the rest of my life I'm going to think about that little girl, where she's at in life and if she's going OK," said Pullen. 

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